Saturday, May 8, 2010

Introducing Maff Test Aka Young Harvey

From a life on the streets all the way to a successful music career, the last few years have been an amazing adventure for MAFF TEST. Born Jason D. Frazier,TEST has endured a disturbed childhood before experiencing anything remotely resembling what we perceive as success. Providing the briefest details about being neglected at an early age by his mother, who suffered with an addiction and an absent father who was around only from time to time, had it not been for his grandmother, he might have become a ward of the state. Raised in a religious - low income household, he would often keep to himself, deep in thought about how he could make it out of his current living situation.

When asked the details of his life, TEST simply states that he was from "Harvey, Illinois" and then tells reporters to do their own research and be the judge. Reporters found Harvey to be a poverty stricken suburban city of 3 or 4 projects, corrupted law enforcement, complete with gang and drug pollution. Later in life, TEST’s street pals would nickname him YOUNG HARVEY, since he is the first to represent their city by "putting it on the map." While he doesn’t talk much about his painful early years, fans learn about his childhood as his struggles are often expressed through his songs.

In the early days of rap, TEST wrestled with the transition from the streets to the music industry, although it was obvious right from the start, he had a way with words. But TEST was not inclined to choose music, since he was sure it wouldn’t provide a comfortable life. Hustling simply to survive, he sought the few extras in other income producing forms that he believed he could never obtain working at a 9 to 5. Before long, he was addicted to the fast life, one that provided not only for himself, but for his family as well. But, his family and friends observed his incredible ability to create, not only a verse here and there, but richly filled complete songs with very little effort. Seeing his huge potential, they encouraged him to take music more seriously. However, TEST felt that rapping wouldn’t pay him what he yearned for, although “rap” was in his blood. Before long he began investing his free time in his music, all while continuing to work on alternative forms of income.

It wasn’t until 2003 when Lockout Recording Studio was established by TEST that he began recording his own music and completing hit records. To subsidize a legitimate income, he got involved in real estate and later rented out the studio to local and national artists at an hourly rate, which gave him the freedom to continue with his music. With very few influences in his life, TEST had no problem staying focused and looked only to himself for inspiration. With the hottest producer anyone could find by his side, it was only a matter of time before he would become known. To say that MAFF TEST has since achieved many goals would be an understatement, although along the way he lost many associates who only slowed him down with mediocrity.

In his highly anticipated album, "Fail or Succeed," TEST displayed the characteristics of a "TRUE RAP HEAVYWEIGHT." With critics saying his skills are beyond equal to many of today's acts, he is a true lyricist delivering incredible narration of street/night life. He combines pain and struggle through clever metaphors fueled by raw energy and confidence. To quote TEST: “I bring forth significant realism and add in a sense of security that demonstrates I’m not afraid to be myself. People accept you as you are, not some made up image that appears as something you’re not. Many artists are too busy trying to live up to public expectations or try to be what they think man wants him to be, look like, act like or sound like as opposed to being their own unique selves. To me, there’s no need to try to change my past…. I am what I am, who I was and where I’m from. It is what it is. The way I look at it RAP was a way out for me and that works.”

TEST has since recorded and released the mixed tape Big Bizness, Volume 1, hosted by DJ Khaled, complete with 31 tracks. In 2008, he had 20 thousand copies duplicated and replicated and at least 2,500 in house copies created with a CD Duplicator. The sale of Big Bizness Volume 1 increased street sales and revenue for Lockout Records, dramatically allowing the company TEST owned to double its gross income compared to the prior year.

MAFF TEST has traveled from state to state with a dozen of his childhood friends and supporters, who either share the same dream or drastically believe in him as an artist. He has given his pals a chance to get away from the hood and see something different by traveling to places like Miami, Atlanta, New York, California, Ohio and Arizona, all while selling mixed tapes and campaigning for his music.  He targets areas where he believes people will understand and adopt his music and lifestyle, hitting all major events where large crowds gather such as super bowl weekends, Hip Hop awards and Memorial Day weekends thus making CD sales far easier.  He treats his mixed tapes much like albums, releasing videos, documentaries and singles such as Big Bizness, Bos Ville and Flip Rock.

With all the things going on in the world many things are uncertain, but one thing is for sure: the industry is desperately in need of the fresh breath of air this young, talented, ex-hustler has to offer, so stay tuned for a lot more from MAFF TEST.


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