Sunday, April 4, 2010

Introducing RDPRM Newest Client 3rd Flo

3rd FLO consist of 3 young men with energy and flavor who started making their mark like CRAZY in the new digital music industry where they sparked the YouTube trend that was to soon be followed and duplicated by many. Their short but seasoned history dates back to their freshmen days in college.

Chad Clendenin aka CAP born in Dayton, Ohio moved to Stone Mountain, Georgia at 2 months old. Growing up in Georgia he began rapping four years ago and successfully completed a 17 track CD with his first group Presidential Status. After his senior year he attended college at Albany State University and continued to pursue his music career while reuniting with childhood friend D-Ray and later introduced to group member D-Nell.

Delray Fuller aka D-Ray was born in Stone Mountain, Georgia and began rapping in high school. He formed a local group, “Terra Posse,” and began taking his music seriously. His distinctive voice and lyrics are a true representation of his southern roots. It’s “Music Forever” for this artist with a serious Deep South flava.

D-Nell aka Donnell Johnson, the third member of the group was born in Atlanta and always had a passion for music. Even as early as middle school he rapped among his peers in the cafeteria, displaying his talents. Growing up D-Nell "free styled" his raps never writing anything down. It wasn't until college that his group members encourage him to put his lyrics on paper.

After performing at a college talent show together 3rd FLO has been on the rise ever since. With "Do the Heizman" spiraling into a worldwide hit, 3rd FLO was signed to J Million Records, and Asylum Records. Their first CD was full of sizzling hot music that will establish that 3rd FLO is here to stay.

In spite of some early disappointments, as well as some early successes, 3rd FLO continues to remain humble, grounded, and dedicated to giving their fans great music, great performances, and thanks for their support. Their early accomplishments include the completion of their debut album, and two music videos. For the past 12 months 3rd FLO has been in the studio, performing, and developing their incredible talent, while still taking full advantage of the Internet to promote themselves and their music. To date 3rd FLO has registered over 3.1 million hits on “YouTube” and over 1.6 million plays on their MySpace page and counting.

Now they’re back...and the “Flo” is serious. They have been in the studio writing and producing their debut album on their new label “Never Surrender” set to drop later this year. Their first single, and a new smash hit “Runnin For It” is set to drop soon. 3rd Flo is ready to give their fans what they’ve been waiting for. They’ve recently signed to one of Atlanta’s new hot, relevant independent labels One In a Million Records.


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