Saturday, April 3, 2010

Introducing RDPRM Newest Client Five Da General

Five Da General, a product of New York, a natural leader and standout was always a kid that faced adversity and obstacles to living what mainstream America would consider a “normal” life, if there is such a thing these days. FIVE Da General is what you would call the total package in life as it relates to music. Standing 6 feet two inches tall with green eyes and a superstar presence, his music appeals to the ladies and the mainstream, as well as the streets and the underground alike. And with the five years of prison behind him, he is ready to embark on a new positive journey. Armed with real life experiences and not second hand tales, he has a real story and relates a story that demonstrates the fact that he has lived. He has star power and is one of the NICEST EMCEES (not rappers) lyric for lyric that you’ve ever heard. To FIVE Da General life translates to music and the music provides a means to transform his life. From an early age, FIVE Da General saw how life’s ills took its toll on the ones closest to him. From the heroine addiction his father was plagued with growing up, to his constant run-ins with neighborhood foes as well as the police, he learned how to speak his mind and protect his space from an early age. What you get from FIVE Da General is the core realism of a life told in the form of the underdog who personifies being blessed and cursed at the same time. FIVE Da General's music is as diverse as his experiences are. These very experiences allow him to make music with a wide range touching on light subjects like women, cars, and clothes to more personal subjects like prison, addiction, and everyday struggles. FIVE Da General can think back to various things growing up that went his way and gave him an opportunity to succeed, just as he can think back to what he describes as “GOD dealing him unshuffled cards”, where what seemed to be an open door later closed behind him to reveal itself as a box, where he was boxed in a space where it was Survival of the Fittest. This extends from his adolescent run-ins with the law to his latest lesson of trials, tribulations, betrayal, and conviction that earned him his name FIVE Da General.


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